GIN - The Global Information Network Scam
10:34 PM by GIN, internet business scam, kevin trudeau, scam, the global information network scam
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Wondering about the legitimacy of The Global Information Network? Is GIN a scam?
I'm going to explain why I thought GIN was a scam, and why I eventually decided to join.
I'm going to explain why I thought GIN was a scam, and why I eventually decided to join.
(This is a true account of my experience with GIN and I'm willing to address any questions you might have)
It all started when I was drawn to GIN through Kevin Trudeau.
Kevin opened my eyes to the world of Natural Health when I read his book Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About. His work totally transformed my perspective on life. I began to realize that the food that I ate had a direct relationship with the thoughts that I had, and that the thoughts that I had had a HUGE impact on my quality of life.
I followed Kevin's advice on getting healthy TO THE TEE (well, the best I could given the financial resources I had at the time).
The results?
• I lost 89 lbs
• I resolved my high cholesterol "disease"
• I gained a increased ability to focus and concentrate for long periods of time
• I cured my depression (clinically diagnosed by a psychiatrist)
• I developed a overall sense of well-being & increased energy
Needless to say, Kevin had tremendous credibility in my eyes.
So when he mentioned an extraordinary opportunity to create massive wealth called The Global Information Network, I was instantly sold.
I was mesmerized by everything GIN promised:
• How to raise $10,000 in 24 hours
• How to easily create massive wealth
• Learn the secrets of the elite societies (Freemasons, Illuminati, Bilderberg, etc…)
• How to have, be, or do anything you desire
• How to attract dynamic relationships into your life
Now when most people hear promises like these, it sets off their "scam-alert" alarm.
And it would have for me too, had I not had such a positive experience with Kevin Trudeau. Because everything I had learned from him was against the status quo and still turned out to be good, I had faith that whatever he was doing through GIN had to be good also.
So I was all set, ready to sign up and become a member. It was just a matter of gathering the necessary funds.
As I was in the process of gathering the funds to pay the registration fee, I started to have some doubts.
Doubts like sensing that this must be too good to be true.
Doubts like questioning if the registration fee was worth the risk.
Doubts like fear of compromising my ethics and beliefs.
These doubts started to burn in my mind, and before long, I had a deep fear about GIN.
And GIN's focus on money, wealth, desires…it only amplified the fear that I already had towards the situation.
Why? Because once I let fear set in, I became convinced that it was unethical and morally wrong to pursue wealth to such a degree.
It's interesting that I had this reaction, because it never crossed my mind when I was thinking positively about GIN.
This is what negative thinking does. It creates distortions on you perspective of reality, and actually brings negative things into your life (a concept taught in great detail in GIN).
So I decided that I was not going to join. I had mixed feelings about this decision.
Part of me had this sense that I was going to miss out on some incredible things.
At the same time, I felt a sense of safety…security that I wouldn't be subject to any malicious intentions that GIN training might contain (looking back now, I wonder how I possibly conjured up this idea of malicious intentions).
Since I had mixed feelings, but no one else seemed to, I decided to write this blog about "The Global Information Network Scam."
I did it because I wanted to feel justified in my decision not to join. I suppose that I need affirmation about giving into my fear instead of pursuing my dreams.
A few months after my initial posts, I was itching with curiosity about the happenings of GIN.
I searched all over, looking for any dirt I could get my hands on from someone else thinking GIN was a scam.
After coming up empty-handed after countless hours searching, I gave up my quest.
Truthfully, I couldn't find an honest account of a paid-in member of GIN who wasn't absolutely satisfied with their membership.
It was about this time that my reason began to return to me, and I decided that I needed to hear some more in-depth perspective from GIN members.
I subscribed to email lists of a couple different GIN members and read their weekly notes on the inside happenings of GIN and their positive experiences.
Within several months of this, it became evident that everything GIN had to offer truly was designed to help members better their lives in every aspect -- creating wealth, achieving immaculate health, enjoying fulfilling relationships, and much more.
All the benefits that initially enticed me seemed to be working for the members I was hearing from.
It was at this time that I decided I wasn't going to make excuses anymore. My life was not where I wanted it to be, and GIN was my opportunity to unlock my true potential.
So I joined.
Am I happy with my decision?
Joining GIN is one of the best decisions I've ever made.
- I've been healthier, happier, and full of energy since I've applied what is taught in the member training
- Making money is easier than ever
- Every day I become more competent, refined, and educated
- I have a level of self-confidence I never dreamed possible
- My mind is at peace with all facets of life.
And I belong to a network of individuals dedicated to improving their lives in every way, and at the same time, helping others do the same. It's hard to understand the true value of this kind of community until you experience it.
I'm not sure where you are in the process of making a decision about GIN.
Perhaps you're skeptical and want to learn more before making a decision.
Perhaps you're sold on the idea of joining GIN, but you need some time to gather funds for the registration fee.
And perhaps you're ready to join right now.
Wherever you are in your decision making process, I want to give you an opportunity to learn more about GIN.
Get the GIN Insider Report Now and learn the secrets I'm learning on the inside